Graham Wood
E.O.C. Chairman
User name = RAM
Posts: 588
Location, Town please: Southport, U.K.
Post by Graham Wood on Jul 21, 2022 22:37:48 GMT
LAST CALL FOR NEWARK KIT CAR SHOW- this weekend Sat / Sun.
I have the "Token" trophies, but you can't win one if you dont turn up. Each Eagle is an individuals choice of engines / trim, so it's hard to judge these cars.
If you supprt the Facebook Eagle Owners page, may I suggest you join the club ( £ 10 ) see
WHY, because individuals and committee members have used their own money to keep the club going, and last year, we ran out of money, and nearly ceased to exist and I personaly invested about £ 1000 to get lost tents, chairs, badges, and more, with initialy no hope of being rembursed and have had to invest more on Trophies. ( Trophies are donated for this year only )
It's not fair that the costs are put onto a few members, and at Stoneleigh, members donated cash ( thank you members ) and we now have a some cash in the bank, but your support will enable us to survive and grow.
Membership is only £ 10, which for the same amount only gets you 20 to 30 miles down the road in petrol.
So joining WILL help us survive, even if your car is not on the road, please think of supporting the Eagle Owners Club
Regards - - - - See you at Newark.
Graham Wood Chairman / membership Sec.
Find me at